St. Teresa's Church, which is located in...

Out of nowhere, a church appears, standing next to a traffic interchange.  Farther beyond, apartment names evoke grandeur and elegance.  St. George’s Apartments; Grand Excelsior; Lucky Court.

Walk down any street, turn at any corner, and the street signs point toward alien-sounding roads and avenues.  Oxford; Cambridge; Waterloo; Lancashire; Inverness; Flint; La Salle.  (Where is “Inverness,” anyway?)

More apartment buildings.  A second church.  Trees and gardens almost everywhere.  Catholic schools situated on steep streets.  Schoolchildren in uniforms walk in groups.  There are conversations in English.

It’s around 4:30 p.m., and somewhere in this unfamiliar place I realize that I’ve forgotten to bring a map.  Not that I planned on going anywhere.  But I need one to give me a definitive answer to the unlikely question, the one that’s beginning to confuse me:

How did I end up in Great Britain?

The short answer, of course, is that I never left Hong Kong, let alone Kowloon.  On the contrary, this area is Kowloon Tong (九龍塘).

The question can – and does – deserve a longer answer though.

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